Floor Division Operator in Python

Python has a variety of operators to perform various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus and exponentiation. Here we will discuss the floor division operator in Python with some code snippets The floor division operator (//) in Python performs division of 2 numbers. The floor division performs division and returns a value by... » read more

Division Operator in Python

Python has a variety of operators to perform various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus and exponentiation. Here we will discuss the division operator in Python with some code snippets The division operator (/) in Python performs division of 2 numbers. The numbers can be of the type integer, floating point or complex.... » read more

Subtraction Operator in Python

Python has a variety of operators to perform various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus and exponentiation. Here we will discuss the subtraction operator in Python with some code snippets The subtraction operator (-) in Python performs the subtraction of 2 numbers. The The numbers can be of the type integer or floating... » read more

Multiplication Operator in Python

Python has a variety of operators to perform various arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus and exponentiation. Here we will discuss the multiplication operator in Python with some code snippets The multiplication operator (*) in Python performs multiplication of 2 numbers. The numbers can be of the type integer, floating point or complex.... » read more

Handling Float Numbers in Python

In this article, we will discuss how to handle float numbers in Python. We will discuss about the various ways to represent floating point. Let’s begin our journey of floating point numbers. What are Floating Point Numbers? Numbers which have a fractional part are classified as floating point numbers. Floating point numbers are used to... » read more

Handling Complex Numbers in Python

In this article, we will discuss how to handle complex numbers in Python. We will discuss about various ways to create a complex number. Let’s begin our journey of complex numbers. What are Complex Numbers? Numbers which have a real part and an imaginary part are called as complex numbers. Complex numbers are defined as... » read more

Program to calculate LCM of two numbers

Let’s understand the various methods to write a Python program to calculate LCM of two numbers. What is LCM? LCM means Lowest Common Multiple. The LCM of two numbers is the smallest number which is a common multiple of both the numbers. The LCM is atleast equal to the larger of the two numbers. As... » read more

Program to calculate HCF of two numbers

Let’s understand the various methods to write a Python program to calculate HCF of two numbers. What is HCF? HCF means Highest Common Factor. The HCF of two numbers is the largest number which can exactly divide both the numbers. The HCF is at most equal to the smaller of the two numbers. As an... » read more

How to use the median function in Python statistics module

The Python statistics module has a number of useful functions to calculate mode, such as median(), median_high(), median_low() and median_grouped() function. Lets write some code snippets and understand how to use the median function in Python statistics module. Calculating median value of given data The median value of a given data set is the middle... » read more