Program to calculate LCM of two numbers

Let’s understand the various methods to write a Python program to calculate LCM of two numbers. What is LCM? LCM means Lowest Common Multiple. The LCM of two numbers is the smallest number which is a common multiple of both the numbers. The LCM is atleast equal to the larger of the two numbers. As... » read more

Program to calculate HCF of two numbers

Let’s understand the various methods to write a Python program to calculate HCF of two numbers. What is HCF? HCF means Highest Common Factor. The HCF of two numbers is the largest number which can exactly divide both the numbers. The HCF is at most equal to the smaller of the two numbers. As an... » read more

Program to calculate factorial of a number

Let’s understand the different ways to write a Python program to calculate factorial of a number. What is factorial of a number? The factorial of a given number (N) is defined as the product obtained by multiplying all the numbers between the given number (N) and 1. For example, the factorial of 5 is the... » read more

Program to check if number is Prime
Program to check if number is Prime

Let’s write a Python program to check if number is prime or not. What is a Prime number? A number which is not divisible by any number except 1 and itself is called as a prime number. A prime number has only two factors, 1 and itself. How to check if number is prime? To... » read more